Umbria Rural Cuisine: Peppa’s Feast Warms Up January

Lately, many a chilly January day has been warmed up with lunch at Peppa’s, for she often invites Pino and me for lunch. Now over 80, Peppa stil cooks up a rural feast at lunchtime, inevitably telling us apologetically as we sit down, “Oggi, ho poca roba da mangiare per noi….” (“Today, I only have…

Ray Gelato Warms Up Umbria Jazz Winter in Orvieto

Although Ray Gelato’s surname means “ice cream” in Italian, there was nothing “chilly” about his group’s performance in Orvieto at Umbria Jazz Winter this past December. Pino and I joined in the crowd gathered for an aperitif and Ray Gelato and the Giants music in the crenellated medieval Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo. This medieval…