MOSTRA/MERCATO or “Show-and-Sell”

Not “show and tell” but “show and sell” is the theme of the Italian mostra mercato. These markets – generally open-air – can feature just a handful of vendors or hundreds and anything on display can be bought – and in some cases, tasted. For us, no better way to warm up a chilly November night than at the Mostra Mercato del Tartufo near Valtopina…
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Need for Naples

Si! Naples has its woes. All the world knows about them. Naples has its treasures – and not all are known. Whenever I have a couple of free days from my tour work here in Umbria, Naples is often first choice for a jaunt with my frequent traveling companion, Roman friend, Silvana. We hadn’t been to Naples in two years – and I was feeling the first symptoms of “Naples withdrawal”…
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