Umbria’s Wild Boar Hunters
“Quando piove e tira vento, il cacciatore perde tempo” (“when it rains and the wind blows, the hunter wastes his time”) says the old saying, thus verifying why Ristorante/Bar Da Giovannino near our house was full of wild boar-hunters on a recent Saturday. Needle-like rain bucketed down as hunters in camouflage suits and the required fluorescent vests sat in the bar, sharing “missed hits” stories of past cinghiale hunts over espresso or panini di prosciutto with vino rosso – or shots of grappa (“takes the chill out of the bones”, elderly Siverio affirmed). All headed out for wild boar as soon as the rain let up. Two caposquadra (“team leaders”), Sergio and Italo, left with kilos of sliced prosciutti and paper bags of sliced bread for their squadra – about 30 of the 50 men would hunt that day – all hunters equipped with radios in their pockets (required by law) so that each knows the location of all. The number of dogs they’ll take varies: a team of about thirty will use twenty dogs or more.
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