November is bellissimo in Umbria, ie, fewer tourists and much to do: olive oil mills are open all over the region offering the newly milled oil on bruschetta to visitors, eg in Castel Ritaldi, Spoleto on Nov 5, 6 – in Gualdo Catteneo on the 20th (and in Spoleto too on the 20th, 27th) – and in Giano dell Umbria week-end of the 27th.
Nov 11th is the feast of St. Martin and Umbrians celebrate by roasting chestnuts and tasting the new wines.
The truffle fair in Valtopina – during the last two week-ends in November – offers truffle dishes and other Umbrian delicacies to visitors.
December 3 to 5 is the “Oro di Spello” (“gold of Spello”) festival, celebrating its famed olive oils. December 7th celebrates the arrival of la Madonna in Umbria!
Click here to read more on Umbria’s November and December events
Hi, My husband and I will be in Assisi November 5th and 6th 2017 Do you know of any groves that will be doing a pressing, presentation, tour, etc. during those two days. We would really love to go; it’s one of the top things on our list.
Many thanks, Pam Bloch