Perugia’s Secrets Revealed: From Etruscan and Medieval Wonders to Festive Celebrations – January 23rd, 2021
Ever tasted the torcolo? Care to view the treasures of one of the world’s oldest libraries? Curious about the significance of the griffin?
Find out while touring with me in Perugia, a medieval gem I came to love as a student there years ago.
Perugia’s Etruscan glory lives on in the imposing Etruscan city gate of the 3rd-c. B.C., hidden away in the massive 16th-c “underground” Papal fortress. This leap across the ages synthesizes Perugia, a stunning hilltown of “layers.”
We’ll bridge the centuries while discovering the wonders: a frescoed Renaissance guildhall, a 14th-c. masterpiece of wood-inlay, medieval illuminated manuscripts, that 13th-c sculptural splendor, the Great Fountain: just to name a few.
And as on all my “virtual tours,” you’ll meet the people. We’ll share in the local passione for two of their wondrous festivals.
We’ll taste that perugino gusto for life’s simple pleasures: like Signor Umberto’s pride in his cioccolato caldo.
(Thanks to my brother Tom Robichaud for use of his painting “Perugia”).
You may find my past “Virtual Experiences” here and on my Youtube channel.
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