What are the common denominators of Italians?
For me, there are five: certainly their sense of family along with a flair of interpersonal relationships – and who would argue about their lack of faith in institutions, both Church and State? Another Italian attribute: optimism, ability to resist trauma, resiliency.
L’arte di arrangiarsi (best translated as “creative inventiveness”) is simply inborn in all Italians. Last, but certainly not least of all, is their innate aesthetic sense, evident in all aspects of Italian lifestyles.
…and the multitudinous Italian gestures undercore these common denominators. After all, for the Italians, “it’s all in the hands”!
Understand the significance of each Italian gesture below? My talk, “Italians, HANDS ON” tells all.
Click here for more on my March 11th talk at MIT in Boston.
Click here to read newspaper article regarding past lectures.