Excitement peaking in Assisi for Pope Francis’ arrival on October 4th for the Feast of St. Francis – and each day, the Umbrian newspapers leak news tidbits on the “surprises” under preparation for the Pope.
One of the most splendid will be the floral petal carpet – infiorata – created by the floral artists of Spello and Cannara, two Umbrian medieval towns famed for the floral tapestries created each year for the Feast of Corpus Cristi (sixty days after Easter).
In front of the 12th-century Cathedral of San Rufino (where San Francesco and Santa Chiara were both baptized at the end of the 12th-century), the infiorata group will start work late on October 3rd (infiorate creations take all night), finishing up late morning of the 4th.
Pope Francis will visit the Cathedral mid-afternoon, near the end of his very full Assisi day. Many moments will make that day memorable for Pope Francis but no doubt about it, the infiorata he’ll walk over to enter the Cathedral will be the most chromatically astounding – and perfumed.
Read more on the Oct 4th Papal visit
Read about Assisi’s excitement when Pope Francis was elected
Read more about the splendid Infiorate of Spello
Read about Assisi’s Infiorate