On a recent jaunt into the Valnerina area near Norcia, what pleasure for the eye enroute (….and later for the palate). Like bright pink flaming sentinels, Judas trees line the winding mountain roads through the Valnerina (Nera River Valley):
Medieval hilltop villages precariously top mountain outcrops
Here and there, a church spire or a medieval guard tower rises above the wooded mountainsides:
After relishing the visual pleasures, time to spoil the palate near Piedivalle di Preci….
…..at a favorite spot, Ristorante La Guaita. Young, appassioned Chef Domenico was in the kitchen whipping up eggs with black truffle:
Logicamente, we ordered some uova al tartufo nero for an antipasto. Domenico’s companion and hostess, Anita, served up the goodness with a smile:
The tasty tiny lentils of Castelluccio di Norcia – on Domenico’s homemade rolls – followed:
Pino then order grilled Nera River trout:
And I couldn’t resist trying a new creation of Domenico: homemade tagliatelle with a sauce of Nera River trout, crispy prosciutto and arugula:
Buonissimo! And a feast for the eye as well as for the palate:
And after our espressi – and liqueurs offered by Anita – the visual pleasures continued as we headed home through Valnerina splendor:
We’ll be returning again soon to the spectacular Valnerina but next trip, that early April Judas tree majesty won’t be highlighting our route…..
Click here to read more about Ristorante La Guaita – and the earthquake of 2016
Read about the lentils of Castelluccio di Norcia
A beautiful Spring post. Thank you Annie. Happy Easter to you and Pino.
So beautiful!!!