My Perugia/Deruta tour is a favorite among tour guests and not just for the many splendid treasures of Perugia but also for one near Deruta: her name is “Giuseppa.” Just ask Linda…
As you head out of the coffee bar and into the dining room of Ristorante Da Giovannino, look up and and you’ll see the gold plaque from grateful clients celebrating Da Giovannino‘s…
….and if you don’t have a good appetite, you will as soon as you walk into Peppa’s kitchen and take a whiff of that tomato sauce simmering on her stove. On a…
No, not quite. Not a Peppa pig but Peppe‘s pig stars in this note. When Peppe told me the December date for the transformation of his butchered pig into prosciutto, capocollo, sausages,…
There’s no doubt about it: Giuseppa opens her heart as well as her home to us as she serves up a rural feast. Can’t you just see the joy in her face?…
How to refuse when Peppa calls us to ask, “Ho fatto gnocchi oggi. Venite a cena? (“I made gnocchi today – coming to dinner?”) Si, Peppa. Subito. What a sauce Peppa had…
On an August Saturday night, groups of musicians and singers filled the Bolsena piazzas and wandered down the town’s winding medieval alleyways. With laundry baskets at their feet or on their heads,…
From late spring to late fall, revel in the Umbria countryside in one of our Assisi-area apartments…..and while here join us for a sagra, those delightful village food festivals. Just ask Louise and…
“Ospedaletto” literally means “a small place offering hospitality” – and in fact, the ospedale in the Middle Ages gave rest, respite, and nourishment to the pilgrims trekking through Europe. And not only: housing…
Keegan and Francesca missed the traditional Holy Saturday blessing of their Easter cheese bread – but the one they brought us on Easter day was one of the most delicious we’d received.…