Ingredients – serves 6 extra virgin olive oil (about 1/4 c.) 1 white onion clove of garlic 7-8 medium-sized carrots 3-4 medium-sized potatoes (As all ingredients will be pureéd, fine to chop into smallish pieces of whatever size).
Cover bottom of saucepan with olive oil, then add chopped white onion, garlic clove, chopped potatoes and carrots. Add very hot water bit by bit, until you have added about a litre (less if you like the soup creamier). Add bouillon cube (vegetable – not meat). Salt and pepper to taste. Cook in pressure cooker 1/2 hr. Pureé.
Serve, drizzling a bit of extra virgin olive oil on top, then sprinkling (if desired) a bit of Parmesan cheese. Optional addition: for color, add finely-chopped fresh parsley.