If you truly wish to experience the region of Umbria, “Italy’s green heart,” head with me to our (green!) countryside to meet our rural friends.
Just ask Nancy (from San Francisco) about the experience.
…and enjoy her photos:
[lcaption]Nancy meets Peppe – and his prosciutti![/lcaption]
[lcaption]…and of course, she must taste his wine….[/lcaption]
[lcaption]Next: a stop to see Peppa in her wine cellar, proud of her grape harvest and new wine…[/lcaption]
[lcaption]….and then on to a rural feast with Marino and Chiarina – e famiglia (four generations!):[/lcaption]
[lcaption]Our feast starts off with antipasto: Chiarina’s savory cheese breads with salami and capocollo made by Marino from pigs he raised:[/lcaption]
[lcaption]What lasagne Chiarina makes (that her great-granddaughters love!)[/lcaption]
[lcaption]Daughter Rossanna (grandmother!) serves Nancy a tasty veal dish (the meat raised on their land):[/lcaption]
[lcaption]Rossana’s enticing dessert to end our feast:[/lcaption]
[lcaption]”..and come back soon, Nancy!”[/lcaption]
Meet our farm friends, givers of the greatest gifts
Click here to read about “memorable moments” or our rural visits
Read about – and see – our first years on the land in Umbria
Read more about treasured rural friends
Read more about indefatigable Peppe
Click here to read about an “Auntie Annie” rural tour
You really can’t miss a rural banquet cooked by Chiarina
Read about the “regal welcome” Chiarina and Marino give to their guests
Read about our rural friends – and their “green gold,” olive oil
Read about why a visit with our rural friends makes any Umbrian stay unforgettable
Click here to see how a visit to rural friends can make your stay “the experience of a lifetime”
Click here to read about a treasured Umbrian rural winter tradition
Click here for many more insights on our rural friends
Read about Chiarina and Marino – and the use of broom
Read about making wine with Peppa
Click here to read about – and see – why rural visits offer “unforgettable moments”
Live Umbria, live the “rural life revisited”
What a beautiful family and to see 4 generations together is wonderful! I could almost smell the grapes from the new wine. Thank Nancy for sharing her photos, they captured her visit so well.