In Assisi, too – as everywhere in Italy now – all hotels, cafes, restaurants and shops are closed. Only pharmacies, newsstands, tobacconists, post offices, alimentari (grocery stores), panifici (bakeries), and macellai (butchers) may stay open. The Saturday outdoor market will be canceled during this lockdown.
One vegetable stand is still open in Assisi: Novella’s.

Novella’s stand is steps away from the main square, Piazza Comune – and the pharmacy where we had stopped for a needed prescription.
The piazza was deserted today:

……and the pharmacy nearly empty….

….and with a sign posted at the open door indicating “out of masks”:

At her stand, Novella was weighing a purchase for a local signora as I arrived.

I bought a bunch of Novella’s Swiss chard which she weighed for me with a smile. When I asked her if I might take a photo, she willingly agreed, holding a bouquet of her flowers in the other hand to set up a more attractive photo:

And then Novella showed me with great pride her permesso, allowing her (along with her husband who transports all their vegetables) to move from her home into Assisi to sell vegetables (foods) during lockdown.

And then, a masked shopper arrived to select other vegetables:

Before I left, Novella stuffed three heads of cabbage into the bag of Swiss chard with a wink, advising “Fatela con le patate in padella con aglio – che buono!” (“Make it with potatoes in a frying pan with garlic – how good!”)
Mille grazie, Novella, for helping ward off for today any CPA (Coronavirus Panic Attack).
A necessary pharmacy stop and a Novella vegetable-shop were distraction for this morning.
We’re home now.
Back to lockdown.
I’ll soon steam Novella’s Swiss chard to season with lemon juice and olive oil for tonight.

We’ll have her cabbage tomorrow.
Read more about Novella here
Click here for a “coronavirus lockdown” recipe
Read here about an outdoor market visit to ward off a CPA (Coronavirus Panic Attack)
Click here to read about – and see! – a favorite Orvieto eating spot (to ward off CPA)
Read about a Pino feast on March 8th as coronavirus distraction
Click here to read about March 8th – as a coronavirus antidote
Peppa is always perfect distraction from a CPA
Read about a stop for fresh pasta to ward off a CPA

Thanks for more CPA distraction! How interesting to see her permesso to be able to move around. Looking forward to seeing the rest of your distractions this week!
Glad you were able to get some vegetables. Looks strange to see Assisi so desolate.
Thank you Anne for your blog. It is wonderful knowing that Pino and you are safe.