Our late February cooking class in San Francisco celebrated not just host Patti’s birthday but fifty years of friendship for us University of Santa Clara women. Mamma mia! Che bello!
(and this was “second-time-around” for an SCU reunion dinner..)
Friends Yvonne and Celia summed it up:
Yvonne: “Wonderful food, especially divine pasta, great wine and OLD friends. Perfect compliment to our 50 years of friendship…”
Celia: “So great to be together for Annie’s delicious Umbrian dinner. Great way for the Santa Clara girls to get together.”
And dessert-time perfectly rounded out our night : not just for Patti’s birthday cake but for the addition of Pino, our son, Mattia and his Radha.
Che gioia!
See – and feel!- the good times: