When the Shea family joined me to cook up Umbria, we started with peaches: we needed to get our peach tiramisu for dessert chilled.
[lcaption]All the family unites on our tiramisu with peaches[/lcaption]
[lcaption]Erin, Marty and Mari unite on the tiramisu detail[/lcaption]
Our pasta sauce came next: il sugo del contadino (“pasta sauce the way the farmer cooks”), a robust Umbrian rural pasta sauce with sausages, beef, chicken and meatballs. The meat in the sauce would be our second course.
[lcaption]Tim checks on our pasta sauce[/lcaption]
[lcaption]Our pasta sauce, il sugo del contadino, simmers on the stove[/lcaption]
[lcaption]The meat in our pasta sauce will be our second course, following our pasta[/lcaption]
[lcaption]Molly adds the chicken to our pasta sauce[/lcaption]
[lcaption]All the family ready to savor that pasta sauce[/lcaption]
Potatoes simmered in finely diced rosemary and garlic would be one of our side dishes and Erin, Molly and Tim all proved to be whizzes on the mezzaluna (cradle knife) for the dicing.. And Mari, too!
La bandiera (“the flag” – as the colors are red, white and green) is a tasty Umbrian rural summer dish starring peppers (green), tomatoes (red) and onions (white). An optional addition: zucchini. At our lunch, la bandiera joined our potatoes in rosemary and garlic as a side dish:
[lcaption]Molly and Erin on the bandiera[/lcaption]
From peaches to peppers, we cooked up Umbria: simple and fresh ingredients deliver the goodness.
Enjoy these photos of our cooking experience:
Click here for more on la bandiera
Read about cooking with us as the highlight of an Italy vacation
Read about cooking together as a highlight of my May Umbria trip
Click here for more on cooking in our Assisi farmhouse
Read about another cooking adventure in our farmhouse
Read about a family group’s “favorite day in Italy”