For the celebration of Corpus Domini (sixty days after Easter), the floral tapestries of Spello – le Infiorate – are certainly the most famous here in Umbria. You need a full morning to stroll…
On May 15th, friends and I relished our serene drive from Assisi through lush green Umbria springtime splendor to Gubbio. But on arrival in medieval hilltop gem, Gubbio, I knew we’d leave…
About the time we were seeing the first photos of proud papa’, Prince Harry holding his baby Archie, I was taking photos of many a proud papa’ (and proud mammas, too) at…
Heading to L’Aquila is always a ride of stunning splendor as we head through the mountains in southeastern Umbria into the region of Abruzzo. And on a recent trip, splendor awaited us…
One day in early April, I found myself again on top of a Vespa: a trio of appassioned Vespa-drivers from Emilia Romagna – Roberto, Stefano and Stefano – had insisted on boosting…
I’d just intended to buy a thyme plant at Spello’s early April mostra-mercato (literally, “show/display market” or let’s just call it a “show-and-sell”). But there were other enticements, too, at this three-day market…
A “cooking lesson” is a banal understatement to describe our day at the farm estate near Spoleto of Gianluca Polidori. Here’s a tidbit of his invitation to an event centered on “food…
This year, the annual Festival Internazionale del Giornalismo animates medieval Perugia from Apri 3 to 7. I’ll look forward to being there and to immersion once again into such inspirational youth enthusiasm…
In the more than twenty years as an authorized guida regionale del’Umbria, Spello (che bello!) – not far from Assisi – has always been a favorite tour destination. Both for myself and for my tour…
It’s all backwards here in March this year: the month came IN like a lamb and is moving out like a lion. March is gusting into April with cold and windy weather.…