With lockdown, there’s more cooking than ever in homes all over Italy; after all, cooking is an ideal way to ward off a CPA (Coronavirus Panic Attack). These days, Pino’s often at…
On the evening of March 9, 2020, Prime Minister Conte officially announced a coronovirus-protection lockdown throughout Italy, meaning – basically – “tutti a casa” (“everyone stay home”). …or as much at home…
The mimosa bunches on our table remain, a memento of our March 8th Festa delle Donne lunch cooked by Pino for “le mie donne“: our Giulia and myself. Another memorable day here…
….but a sure remedy for coronavirus ansia (anxiety) is to drop in for lunch at Peppa’s. She’ll greet you warmly with a beaming smile and probably an apology, “Scusa, ma non ho molto pronto…
My Perugia/Deruta tour is a favorite among tour guests and not just for the many splendid treasures of Perugia but also for one near Deruta: her name is “Giuseppa.” Just ask Linda…
As you head out of the coffee bar and into the dining room of Ristorante Da Giovannino, look up and and you’ll see the gold plaque from grateful clients celebrating Da Giovannino‘s…
It’s become a tradition now for us every December 30th: our anniversary lunch (or dinner) is always enjoyed at Trattoria del Moro Aronne, tucked away in Orvieto’s medieval backstreets. We’re always in…
When you’re near Orvieto’s splendid Duomo at lunchtime… …… you might want to head to Da Pippo, just steps away, for a bite – or a sip of local vino. We stopped…
Just after Valentine’s Day, over one hundred engaged couples – each woman holding a rose – celebrated their love in a church linked to Valentines, the Basilica di San Valentino, where the…
When asked to comment on the twenty works she’d donated to Todi, the ninety-seven year old sculptor, Beverly Pepper, had said, “Many of my monumental works reach to the sky, seeking a…