What zucca magnifica we’ll have for our Thanksgiving: a splendid squash of brilliant orange pulp. My favorite: la Marina di Chioggia variety. ….and from our favorite fruit and vegetable stand, that of the…
We’d first savored la roveja legume a few winters back in Cascia during the Umbrian mountain town’s winter festival starring this “lost bean.” Cascia in January Roveja…
They called us into the olive mill yesterday: it was our turn. Pressing time for our 300 k+ of olives which we’d hauled in the day prior. Delivery of our…
We often eat at Peppa’s. Every meal is always an Umbrian rural feast, and although she’ll invite us over for “solo per un primo,” it’s never “just a first course.” Lunch…
When here in our splendid Umbria, “Italy’s green heart”, you simply can’t miss meeting and feasting with Umbria’s rural people. Just ask young Shelby from Georgia, here in June in one of…
Nothing like experiencing that “dual magic” of Italy: artistic treasures and good eating. A morning in Deruta offers us that pairing. A rural feast at Giuseppa’s farm awaits after a visit to…
An icy December day for a visit with the Segal family to Deruta – but mamma mia, that open-armed welcome of Giuseppa warmed us up. As did her homemade pasta topped with…
Snails are served up not at the proverbial “snail’s pace” but with zip and verve by the earnest young wait staff at the August food festival near Bevagna starring snails, la Sagra…
If you blink, you might drive right past Castagnoli (pop. not more than 70), tiny frazione of Gaiole in Chianti. You might also be distracted by the sweeping panoramas of vineyards and…
When in central Italy from spring to late fall, you can’t miss feasting with the “locals” at a sagra (village food festival of local specialties cooked and served up by local volunteers).…