Perugia, “city of the infinite view,” (Henry James) might be dubbed the most elegant city in Umbria.
[lcaption]Perugia, “city of the infinite view”[/lcaption]
But this Umbrian provincial capital city tucks away hidden simple pleasures, too.
Like Umberto, making the richest whipped cream-crowned hot chocolate you’ll ever sip. I’ve known him since 1969 when his cappuccino started off my days as a student in Perugia.
That cream – whipped by hand by Umberto – can top your cappuccino, too and fills pastries Umberto serves up:
He’s still making them – and he looks the same: maybe that whipped cream staves off the wrinkles or could it be the exercise of hand-whipping cream all day long for over sixty years?
And his little latteria (“milk shop”) is the same, too: just a few tables, maiolica tiles on the walls ( painted in Deruta in the 1920’s)
…and the goodness inside tempts all ages:
The tour guests in this May’s “Annesitaly Inside Umbria Celebration” had to meet Umberto and revel in the goodness he whips up: another “Inside Umbria” moment not to miss, after all…..
….and Umberto had to be our first stop before we set out to explore other Perugia treasures:
* Renaissance frescoed guildhalls
* late 14th c- wood inlay masterpieces of another guildhall
* …and that sculptural masterpiece, the 13th-c Great Fountain, with the majestic medieval city hall backdropping it
Enjoy exploring the many wonders of Perugia, but why not start with the simple pleasures?
Read about Calendimaggio splendor
Click here to read about – and see! – the unforgettable (also!) 2016 May “Annesitaly Inside Umbria Celebration
Read more about the May 2017 “Annesitaly Inside Umbria” group’s INSIDE adventures in Deruta
Read about the groups INSIDE experience in Bevagna
Click here to read about – and see!- the group’s INSIDE rural life experience
Read about the May 2017 “Annesitaly Inside Umbria” group’s experience of Gubbio passione
Click here to read about 2017 May tour’s truly INSIDE Montefalco day
Read about another INSIDE experience: living Umbria by cooking it up!
Click here to read about the first day of this memorable tour
Read about our 2017 May tour full into Gubbio passione
Thanks, too, to Sally H and Jerry S. for some of the photos