After four memorable days together, I recenty bid arrivederci to Christine and Ivy, Len and Vivien. That Italian farewell literally means “until we see each other again.” Reassuring for me as these apartment guests/tour…
I was contemplating the views spreading out all around us…. …..sitting in front of our agriturismo (farmhouse B&B) in the Sibiillini mountains in the Marches region. Appropriately called “Alti Pascoli,” (“High Pastures”), the agriturismo is perched at 830…
In elegant ancient Roman garb, blonde-haired Greta told me with pride about her performances in Bolsena’s July 24th celebration of the lake-side town’s patron saint Cristina, I Misteri di Santa Cristina (those scenes…
Spello, Umbria medieval gem, entices right from your first glimpse as you pull off the highway: Spello enchants for its medieval architecture, a splendid Renaissance fresco, recently discovered Roman mosaics, and stunning…
The best way to recount the joys of touring Umbria for a week with Judy and Grady? Sharing Judy’s comment: “What a wonderful week of touring the Umbrian hill towns with Anne…
In the backstreets of Perugia, a medieval church houses artisanal wonders. Very eager to visit the Perugia laboratorio/museo of the Brozzetti textiles, never had I imagined that the textile looms would line a church…
In Perugia, artistic treasures are innumerable. You’ll certainly want to include in your explorations, the splendid Renaissance masterpieces of Perugino in the frescoed Collegio del Cambio (Money-changers Guild),…. ……the medieval cathedral, backdropping the…
After discovering the medieval and Renaissance wonders in Foligno, let yourself be drawn by a magnet. An enormous one. You’ll find the 24-meter Calamita Cosmica (“Cosmic Magnet”), mammoth sculpture of Gino De Dominicis,…
While rural neighbor Chiarina was making her homemade pasta recently,…… ….her husband Marino took me over to their improvised “cantina” (wine cellar) in a converted garage near their farmhouse: Inside, guanciali (pork…
Farm neighbor Chiarina was dicing the carrot for her pasta sauce when I dropped in one recent morning, her husband Marino nearby and how he beamed when I asked him about his…