Verona’s Monet show drew us to this Veneto region splendor for an early November three-day weekend. …and Monet just headed up a parade of pleasures. His paintbrush could have created masterpiece views…
On the last day of Citta’ della Pieve’s October saffron festival, guided visits through the town focus on “the saffron hues in Renaissance master Perugino’s Citta’ della Pieve masterpieces.” Art intertwined with…
As Chiara ordered the pastry tray at Bar Bi, she summed it up: “Anthropologically speaking, the bar is a microcosm of the town, a reflection of town life. Every Italian town –…
“Pari ‘na paniella” (“it looks like a panella”) is an expression in palermitano dialect to describe an object flattened by a heavy weight. And every Palermitano – no matter age or social class…
Rain these past few days and warm sun: mushroom time. I spotted a couple yesterday under the oak trees. What memories of past mushroom hunts – and here is a note on…
On a summer night, skirt around the crowded outdoor tables in the piazza facing the medieval church, go through the door of the crowded Focacceria San Francesco and join the camaraderie. No…
While visiting Pino’s family in Palermo, we finally visited the island of Lampedusa this past summer, discovering another Mediterranean treasure. Bellissimo! No time for our usual jaunt to Ustica – but hopefully,…
We celebrated my birthday in Sicily this past summer, too. What memories of a “volcanic” birthday in Sicily years ago. Here is the note I wrote then: Sicily: Volcanic Adventures September 2006…
Pino and I enjoyed another memorable visit to Siclly this summer, spending time in Palermo and reveling in the beauty of the island of Lampedusa for a week. Following a family tradition,…
“Don Matteo”, the Italian TV show about an insightful priest who often aids the local carabinieri in crime-solving, has switched locations: episodes are now being filmed in Spoleto, rather than in…