Nineteen-year-old Massimiliano joins with his father and brother Alessandro in carrying on with passione the Marches region culinary traditions of his grandmother, Nonna Anna Rita. [lcaption]In the family restaurant, young Massimiliano proudly…
Shannon and Alison, we’ve toured together all over Umbria (years ago), cooked together in Colorado (more than once!) and wonderful to have you and Flynnie and Gabriel here with us in our…
A stroke of buona fortuna to come across the Osteria Sienti’n Puo’ on a jaunt to Norcia last summer. We’d parked outside one of wounded Norcia’s scaffolded medieval gates (due to earthquake…
Jodi, Star, Robyn and Susan, a delight to have you all in our Assisi countryside apartments! A joy to have you with us, right from our dinner together the day you arrived:…
It’s my mantra: you can’t know Italy if you don’t know the people. And Italy today is rooted in rural traditions and the rural people remain Italy’s “national treasures.” Lois and Larry…
That indomitable Giuseppa cooked up a rural feast for our small group the day after a culinary tour-de-force: she’d cooked a muti-course rural lunch for more than twenty-five who’d helped her and…
How to bring light to a rainy September day? Cook up Umbrian goodness with me in our Assisi farmhouse. Patricia and Robert, good to have you wish us and enjoy taking home…
July and August are the months for that pasta dish PIno’s mother, Signora Vincenza, taught me. This Sicilian eggplant pasta dish is a hit with our Umbrian friends, too. Do enjoy Signora…
We’d been to Pisa years ago when our children were small. I can’t even remember if we explored much more than Piazza dei Miracoli. Yes, that “Piazza of the Miracles” is certainly…
As our ferry pulled out of Portoferraio, port city of Elba, I thought about those few days we’d had there on this glorious island and they seemed condensed to just fleeting, pleasurable…