Our rural friends remain a treasure, not to be replicated. Ever. Now nearly 84, Peppe cuts, bales, transports and stacks about 5000 hay bales every June, still prunes and hoes his vineyard,…
The plethora of sagre and other food festivals burst out all over Umbria in April – and will continue to entice palates and unite families and friends all the way to late…
If you ask little Thomas about his most memorable moment during our visit to the farm of Giuseppa and Paolo, he’ll probably cite climbing up into the tractor with his Uncle Jerome…
Wild asparagus is now sprouting in our woods..and with a bit of luck- and ideal weather conditions – we’ll be foraging for the woodland goodness til late May. Our pasta at lunch…
To welcome spring, a group of Spello’s ristoranti and trattorie feted wild greens, offered two days of tasting menus highlighted with the goodness growing on the slopes of Mt. Subasio and in…
If you truly wish to experience the region of Umbria, “Italy’s green heart,” head with me to our (green!) countryside to meet our rural friends. Just ask Nancy (from San Francisco) about…
How do the Umbrians start Easter? Feasting, logicamente: before Mass, a breakfast of a glass of robust red wine, savory cheesebread topped with homemade (if possible) salami or prosciutto or capocollo and…
In June, strawberries will be in our garden – and strawberry tiramisu will often be dessert for dinner guests. In July, peaches come along and this dish is also buonissimo using peaches…
It’s not just the delectabler rural feast she cooks up that makes a meal in Giuseppa’s farmhouse near Deruta memorable: it’s her obvious joy as she serves up the foods the family…
The tiny village of Cantalupo near Bevagna is famous for snails, in fact there’s not much there except the Ristorante L’umaca D’Oro (“The Golden Snail Restaurant”). Most food festivals – le sagre…