Whether you stay in our in-town Assisi apartment or our countryside guesthouse (right behind our farmhouse), there are a couple obligations: – you have to join us for a rural Umbrian dinner…
If you’re not sure where to find a bit of Paradise on earth, just settle for Eden on a lake, the Hotel Eden of Lake Bolsena. Just about an hour and a…
There really isn’t any reason to seek out Moiano, tiny village north of Perugia and south of Lake Trasimeno: unless you’re here in Umbria at the end of June – and you’re…
What’s the highlight of a visit to our rural neighbors? Sharing in eighty-year-old Peppe’s pride in his prosciutti? Tasting his wine? Meeting Peppa, “Earth Mother,” as I call this warm and joyous…
If you’re eager to taste the best in Umbrian local cuisine, head to a sagra, a ten-day village festival where local volunteers team up to cook up buonissimi regional specialties. From late…
“Because there’s no better way to eat the goodness of Umbria than at a sagra,” Renato replied with a smile when I asked why he and his wife, Graziella, were eating here…
Italians are known for opening home and hearts to visitors and at the end of May, wine cellars all over Italy throw open cantina doors to welcome visitors into their cellars and…
Fried foods might not be prevalent in the Mediterranean diet, but they’re definitely present… and you’ll find “il fritto” (or derivatives) in a few Italian idiomatic expressions, too: – “siamo fritti”, “we’re…
You’ll miss out on the best in local cuisine – enjoyed with “the locals” – if you miss a sagra while visiting Umbria. Running about ten days, these village food festivals animate…
Peppa might not know that cicerchie (translated as “chicklings” or “pulses”) were cultivated in Mesoptamia as early as 8000 BC or that this legume is now recognized officially by the Ministry of…