Mamma mia, I am discovering that it will be quite a challenge to limit my upcoming ZOOM talk on the Mediterranean diet to one hour: too much to share. In 2010, UNESCO…
Treasures of Italy include the peninsula’s glorious festivals and in my ZOOM talk, “Italy’s Uplifting Pagan-Christian Rites,” you’ll live the passione of the Italians as they celebrate their beloved saints in rites…
Who knows when I’ll again be able to share the wonders of Italy as a guide? Due to travel restrictions, it may be a year before I can share again my passione for Umbria…
Baked Swiss chard goodness added a tasty side dish to a recent lunch. Not Swiss chard from Novella’s vegetable stand in Assisi this time… …but from our own vegetable garden, although I…
On May 22nd, the feast of the beloved 15th-c. Umbrian saint, Santa Rita di Cascia, I always take red roses to our farm neighbor Rita to celebrate her onomastico (“name day”). Rita…
As always, cooking proves a pleasant distraction during this COVID-19 lockdown. Today’s easy, tasty recipe is dedicated to Pino’s wonderful mamma, Signora Vincenza (in the photo below with our Giulia, 1995)…. ……
Some of the agretti recently purchased from Novella’s vegetable stand in Assisi …. …have already starred in a pasta recipe: Today, I used some of the remaining agretti in an easy –…
There’s always a bit of excitement at springtime outdoor markets when bunches of the dark green, thin tapered leaves of the agretti appear. Often called “barba di frate” or “beards of the…
Spotting Signora Marinella’s balcony has always been a highlight of Assisi springtime strolls…. …but not this year with Assisi in COVID-19 lockdown as of March 11th. As of May 4th, lockdown restrictions…
Once again, cooking up a new recipe and then eating the dish together proved to be a oerfetto deterrent to a CPA (Coronavirus Panic Attack). And yet again, the decision on what…