Preci: From the Benedictines to Pork Butchers

Living on a hill overlooking Norcia…. …..the Benedictine monks – affectionately called by all “the Monks of Norcia” – are known today for their production of artisanal beers. But many centuries ago, Norcia-area Benedictine monks were linked to prosciutto, sausages…and pig butchering. I find the story fascinating. And it all starts in the 6th-century. After…

Umbria’s Pasquarelle: Singing in the Epiphany

January can be icy cold in Umbria but a month of warmth, too: the warmth of the locals celebrating January festivals.  An Umbrian winter festival absolutely not to miss is the late-January rural music competition, the Rassegna delle Pasquarelle, in Cascia, in the mountainous southeastern corner of Umbria. Probably first inhabited by native Italic peoples, present-day Cascia, was part…

Assisi’s Living Crib Scenes: Remembering a “Profound and Mysterious Event”

For many in Umbria, Christmastime is inextricably linked to visits to the presepi viventi (“living crib scenes”) of medieval villages surrounding Assisi.  The first to bring the Nativity scene alive was San Francesco in Greccio in 1223. For over forty years, the villagers of Armenzano, San Gregorio and Petrignano – all frazioni (“little fractions”) of Assisi – have spent…

Lighting Up for an Assisi Christmas

On this December 7th at nightfall, we weren’t able to gather around the towering blazing bonfire – il focaraccio (literally, “big ugly fire”) – up at Assisi’s 14th-c. fortress, la Rocca Maggiore.   Due to COVID, the traditional Dec. 7th grouping together to chat over roasted chestnuts and hot mulled wine was canceled. Here’s a group with paper cones of…

Assisi’s Christmas Illumination

There’s usually a life-sized creche scene on the lawn in front of Assisi’s majestic Basilica di San Francesco, right  across the street from the Bar San Francesco of the Angeletti family. Since 1995, the Angeletti family, in fact, has worked with volunteers to set up the artisanal presepe (creche) with the help of volunteers each Christmastime.…