Umbria Hazelnuts: the Heart of the Problem

The “heart of the problem” is the hazelnut itself;  ironically, the idiomatic expression “the heart of the problem,” is translated as “il nocciolo del problema” in Italian, i.e., “the hazelnut of the problem.” A growing movement in Umbria and in nearby Latium is set on blocking the conversion of farm lands to the lucrative (for the land…

Spello: Roman Mosaic Splendor

When I grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, an exciting school field trip might have been to Great America in Illinois to ride the roller coasters. If you’re in school here in Umbria, your class field trip these days might be to learn about the Romans’ intricate art of making mosaics after viewing the astounding mosaic…

Black Truffles Resurrect Norcia

Heavily damaged in the October 2016 earthquake, Norcia’s “resurrection” just might have started:  the early March street fair, Nero Norcia (“Black Norcia”), starring black truffles – and not only! – animated the town, drew in the people. This mostra mercato (almost quite literally, a “show-and-sell”) drew people from all over Italy…… ….so important for Norcia,  struggling to…

Remembering Graziella Viterbi, Holocaust Survivor in Assisi

Never postpone. I have thought about Graziella Viterbi now and then over the past few months, wondering how she was and hoping to look her up in Rome. Alas, I can’t now: this survivor of the Holocaust who found refuge in Assisi with her family in 1943 died in mid-March at the age of ninety-two.…

From Stockholm to Perugia: Saving the Planet

“Salva il pianeta!” – and sometimes, “Save the planet!” – shouted fired-up students and teachers carrying placards as they wound through medieval Perugia on Friday, March 15th. In nearly two thousand cities in over one hundred countries all over the globe, students – and not only –  joined in the Global Strike for Future promulgated by#FridaysForFuture…

Near Assisi, Stay with Us and Live the Rural Life

Gina and Mike, Byron and Melinda, mille grazie for having brought such a lovely group along with you for a stay in our countryside apartments. A joy to share Assisi wonders with you all… ….wrapping up the Assisi tour with our memorable Spello wine-tastings/olive-oil tastings/ truffles banquet: …and…ah, what wines…! The next day, we tasted other…