Spello’s Olive Oil: That Umbria “Liquid Gold”

Umbria’s “liquid gold,” olive oil, is world-renowned and celebrated by the umbri in glorious festivals. These feste celebrate the olio nuovo  (the “new oil”, that olive oil just pressed) at harvest time which takes place in the late fall/winter months, that is, from October to the end of November. Spello, called “la citta dell’olio,”  is center of…

Ancient Links to Umbria’s Olive Trees

For my October 31st ZOOM talk (my twelfth!), olives and olive oil in Italy’s  art, history, cuisine, medicine, folklore – and not only! – will take the stage. I’ve decided to write a few blog notes prior as an introduction. Let’s get started. Since ancient times, a symbol of peace, wisdom, prosperity, fertility, and victory,…

Umbria’s Vin Santo: Ah, That “Holy Wine”

I hadn’t seen Giuseppa in many months, for I haven’t been guiding visitors through the wonders of Umbria in many months due to global travel restrictions. Perugia/Deruta was always a much loved tour – and lunch at the farmhouse near Deruta of Paolo and Giuseppa was a highlight of that day. We’d often have a taste…

Italy’s Mystique of Wine: Ancient Roots

The mystique of wine originates in pre-historic times as the fruit of the vitis vinifera – the Euro-asiatic grapevine cultivated in all continents except the Antarctic – was first turned into wine in about 8500 BC. Probably accidentally. wine is endowed with strong significances, threading through the history of ancient peoples – even prior to…