Assisi’s Rural People: Assisi Treasure NOT to Miss!

If you truly wish to experience the region of Umbria, “Italy’s green heart,” head with me to our (green!) countryside to meet our rural friends. Just ask Nancy (from San Francisco) about the experience. …and enjoy her photos: [lcaption]Nancy meets Peppe – and his prosciutti![/lcaption] [lcaption]…and of course, she must taste his wine….[/lcaption] [lcaption]Next: a…

Feasting on Snails in Cantalupo

The tiny village of Cantalupo near Bevagna is famous for snails, in fact there’s not much there except the Ristorante L’umaca D’Oro (“The Golden Snail Restaurant”). Most food festivals – le sagre – take place all over central Italy from springtime to fall but Cantalupo’s Sagra della Lumaca has a winter version as well as…

Assisi’s Fruit Market – and the Future Mamma

Nowadays, only one farmwoman, Novella, sells her vegetables at Piazzetta dell’Erba (“the little piazza of the grass/grasses”, i.e. vegetables) Only Novella today at Assisi’s Piazzetta dell’Erba But years ago, the entire small piazza was encircled with vegetable vendors. Piazzetta dell’Erba years ago(Photo thanks to Claudio Carli) During my first pregnancy in 1979, I quickly realized…

Carnevale in Umbria: Struffoli, Cicerchie… and More

Week-end ballroom dancing, kaleidoscope parades of floats topped with costumed and masked ebullient children and adults – and myriads of enticing sweets – tell you Carnevale (Mardi Gras) has arrived in Italy, Week-end ballroom dancing Enjoy the photos of carri allegorici [slick-slider design=”design-2″ category=”46″ show_content=”true” dots=”false” arrows=”true” autoplay=”true” sliderheight=”580″ autoplay_interval=”5000″ speed=”1000″]   ..and what sweets!…