“Italians, HANDS ON” in Malvern, PA

Not all alum “gift” their school (in this case, Clarion University of Pennsylvannia) with a tandem of Italian food-focussed events. But that’s what Frank did in Malvern, Pennsylvannia. On my first night there, I gave my talk on Italian gestures, “Italians, HANDS ON!” at the Chester Valley Golf Club after we all enjoyed an array…

Leesburg, VA: Dolce Vita Birthday Feast

From the “Buon appetito – Dolce Vita” welcome banner on the front door, to the Michelangelo David towering in the dining room near the Roman columns to the Dolce Vita banners and everyone’s aprons, Tiffany’s birthday cooking class starred Italia! And not only: at the table, Italian phrase cards flanked each plate. Buon compleanno, Tiffany,…

“Something Wonderful..in Lovettsville”

“To think something wonderful like this happened in Lovettsville,“ wrote Carol after our cooking class in Holly and Andy’s 19th-century farmhouse in the Virginia countryside. Mille grazie, Carol, for this reflection, too: “The best evening ever, Anne – you are just so enthusiastic that it is contagious and makes this whole experience fun, fun, fun.…