Ospedaletto: Welcoming Farm Hospitality Near Bolsena

“Ospedaletto” literally means “a small place offering hospitality”  – and in fact, the ospedale in the Middle Ages gave rest, respite, and nourishment to  the pilgrims trekking through Europe. And not only: housing was offered there to widows, orphans, infirm and those ostracized by society. After the 14th-century outbreak of the black plague, medical assistance, too,…

Funk Off Rocks Assisi

The brass band from Florence, Funk Off, always wows the crowds at Umbria Jazz in Perugia in July.  To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the gemellaggio (literally, “twinning”) – or sister city tie –  of San Francisco and Assisi at the end of June, Assisi invited Funk Off to kick off the celebration: Few people had…

Creating Assisi’s Floral Splendor

For the celebration of Corpus Domini (sixty days after Easter), the floral tapestries of Spello – le Infiorate – are certainly the most famous here in Umbria. You need a full morning to stroll all the piazzas and medieval alleyways of Spello to take in the floral wonders which have taken hundreds of infioratori (“makers of the flower…

Gubbio’s Corsa dei Ceri: Explosive Passion

On May 15th, friends and I relished our serene drive from Assisi through lush green Umbria springtime splendor to Gubbio. But on arrival in medieval hilltop gem, Gubbio, I knew we’d  leave behind serenity for beating drums, blaring bugles,  lively band music and an explosion of full-blown passione  – as every year on May 15th for la…

Calendimaggio’s Princely Pride and Passion

About the time we were seeing the first photos of proud papa’, Prince Harry holding his baby Archie, I was taking photos of many a proud papa’ (and proud mammas, too) at Assisi’s Calendimaggio festival: ‘ Passione for the medieval pageantry of Assisi’s early May glorious festival starts at an early age: ..and the fervor…

In L’Aquila, a Family Shares Abruzzo Cuisine

Heading to L’Aquila is always a ride of stunning splendor as we head through the mountains in southeastern Umbria into the region of Abruzzo. And on a recent trip, splendor awaited us in L’Aquila at lunchtime:  of a gastronomical sort.  The sizzling meats on the grill near the entrance were the sign: Massimo Madama and…

Vespa Festival in Assisi: a Resurrection of Roma Memories

One day in early April, I found myself again on top of a Vespa:  a trio of appassioned Vespa-drivers from Emilia Romagna  –  Roberto, Stefano and Stefano –  had insisted on boosting me onto one of their Vespas for a photo.  They’d just arrived in Assisi  for three days of festivities sponsored by the Vespa…