An Umbria Treasure: Montone, Home of the Holy Thorn

Notre Dame’s most sacred relic, the Crown of Thorns, escaped the devastating fire of April 15, 2019.  The circulet of rushes is thornless as the thorns had been dispersed throughout the world over the centuries as gifts from the emperors of Byzantium and later, from the kings of France. There are seventy thorns claiming authenticity…

Assisi: Blessed Easter Cheese Breads

Keegan and Francesca missed the traditional Holy Saturday blessing of their Easter cheese bread – but the one they brought us on Easter day was one of the most delicious we’d received.              Easter cheese breads reign at our table on Easter Sunday morning: Peppa’s, too, was buonissimo – and the largest…

Assisi Good Friday: Living Ancient Traditions

Outside of the French cloistered Franciscan Sisters’ convent, il Monastero di Santa Colette, small groups of grandmothers and grandchildren, parents and children,  waited in anticipation, gaze directed up the street. A bespectacled nun in beige sweater and black veil waited too, hands folded, just outside the open door of their chapel. Up the street, the hollow deep…

Spello Celebrates Umbria Goodness

I’d just intended to buy a thyme plant at Spello’s early April mostra-mercato (literally, “show/display market” or let’s just call it a “show-and-sell”).  But there were other enticements, too, at this three-day market called “Subasio con Gusto.” Mount Subasio backdrops Spello (and Assisi) and this street fair centered on the herbs, plants as well as the…

Perugia’s Festival Internazionale del Giornalismo: “the Best Media Event in the World”

Even Sandri’s pastry shop on Perugia’s main thoroughfare, Corso Vannucci, celebrated the early April Festival Internazionale del Giornalismo – with a white sugar sign (complete with festival hashtag) taking center stage in their display window (while the Easter cakes and almond paste serpenti  were set off to the side): Over six-hundred journalists, photographers, professors, intellectuals, more than one hundred…

Near Spoleto, Cooking Up the Goodness – and Not Only!

A “cooking lesson” is a banal understatement to describe our day at the farm estate near Spoleto of Gianluca Polidori.  Here’s a tidbit of his invitation to an event centered on “food & territory promotion criteria based on the maintenance of a strong territorial identity”: “The laboratory kitchen is the beating heart of a stately…

Inspirational Youth in Perugia: Festival Internazionale del Giornalismo

This  year, the annual Festival Internazionale del Giornalismo animates medieval Perugia from Apri 3 to 7.  I’ll look forward to being there and to immersion once again into such inspirational youth enthusiasm and familiarity with world issues during conferences on a myriad of subjects for four days. I hope you can feel how the youth…