Floral Splendor in Spello: a COVID Infiorata

Entering the 12th c.- church of San Lorenzo Martire in Spello, your attention is drawn immediately to the  golden baldacchino dominating the altar: The 17th-c. Spello baldacchino copies the splendid Bernini bronze baldacchino of the same period towering over the main altar of St. Peter’s: Less than ten years after the Bernini baldacchino, artisans in Spello had created the…

Near Bevagna, a Family Unites for the Olive Harvest

Quiz for the day: what is a “trunk-shaker with a reversed umbrella interceptor”? Here it is: It’s the mechanized tool used by the Trabalza-Marinucci family to harvest the olives of their three thousand trees in the Bevagna-area hills. Thanks to mechanization, this family and their workers (five people in all) can harvest the olives in…