Citta’ di Castello: From the Etruscans to Alberto Burri

The people from Assisi are assisani, and those from Perugia are perugini.  From Spello, spellani.  The citizens of hilltown Montefalco are montefalchesi and derutesi live in Deruta while folignati live in Foligno. But can you guess the name of the inhabitants of the northern Umbrian town near the Tiber River, Citta’ di Castello? Castellani?  Castellini? Castellesi? You are not even close. The locals of Citta’ di…

Bolsena’s Feast of Santa Cristina: Even Serpents Take the Stage

In elegant ancient Roman garb, blonde-haired Greta told me with pride about her performances in Bolsena’s July 24th celebration of the lake-side town’s patron saint Cristina, I Misteri di Santa Cristina (those scenes depicting the martyrdom travails of the town’s 4th-century Saint). Greta has performed ever since age 12. “And I’ve played Santa Cristina twice!,” she…

Touring Spello: Encounter with a Great Artist

Spello, Umbria medieval gem, entices right from your first glimpse as you pull off the highway: Spello enchants for its medieval architecture, a splendid Renaissance fresco, recently discovered Roman mosaics, and stunning flowering backstreets: But when exploring Spello, you simply can’t miss seekng out local artists and artisans, linking past artistic traditions to the present.…

An Assisi Tour with Many a Surprise

Not all my Assisi guided tours begin in the same location and I certainly don’t generally launch a tour  with tips on how to choose the best gelato. I did that, though, when sharing Assisi wonders with the two young daughters and niece of Mallory recently: And the enthusiasm of Paige, Presley and Reagan was not…

In Gubbio, Maiolica Majesty, Culinary Goodness….and a Mad Race

Medieval gem, Gubbio, is a favorite tour destination for me….. – and turned out to be a favorite of the tours I offered Judy and Grady during their late-April week here. As we arrived in Gubbio, we passed the 1st-c A.D. Roman theater and I pointed out to them the Basilica di Sant’Ubaldo at the…

Umbria Guided Hilltown Tours: Holy Thursday Highlights

The best way to recount the joys of touring Umbria for a week with Judy and Grady?  Sharing Judy’s comment: “What a  wonderful week of touring the Umbrian hill towns with Anne Robichaud! We visited during Easter as we were interested in the Easter traditions here and she came through with flying colors. The Holy…