Sardine: Flash Mob in Bologna

On January 19, 2020, there was no water in the Bologna piazza –and certainly not desired by the forty-thousand sardines there. In Bologna, Pino and I joined the protesting Sardine who have been filling Italy’s piazzas since November, 2019. Who are these Sardine? Where did they come from? The movement started with the Internet-solicited flash…

In Assisi, St. Francis Basilica in Full Glory (Rarely)

Pino and I were grateful for invitations to the annual mid-December Assisi Christmas concert in the upper level of the Basilica di San Francesco (always televised nationally on Christmas Day). In anticipation, we walked quickly to the entrance on that icy night, passing the crib scene with nearly life-sized figures backdropped by the glorious white…

Umbria Jazz Winter: Funk Off Rocks Orvieto

In late December, icy lips blow into trumpet mouthpieces while chilled fingers grip drumsticks, fly up and down the keys on many a sax and clang cymbals as musicians in jeans, navy blue hooded sweatshirts and red tennis shoes leap and dance down the medieval Orvieto backstreets. The Florentine marching brass band, Funk Off, never…

Thanksgiving in Assisi: Umbria Goodness Reigns

Our family celebrates Thanksgiving here in Assisi, too, but the Sunday following the holiday. Pino needs the weekend to fulfill his role, a major one: the creation of il tacchino di Pino. For years, we’ve ordered the turkey a few days prior from Assisi’s best butcher, Francesco, who well knows “che serve a Pino per…

With a Bonfire and Chestnuts, Assisi Awaits La Madonna

That huge crackling and spitting focaraccio (literally, “big ugly fire” i.e., “bonfire”) near Assisi’s massive medieval fortress, La Rocca Maggiore, is said to light the way for the arrival of La Madonna (for December 8th, feast of the Immaculate Conception). I’m not sure about that but the traditional December 7th bonfire certainly does gather together…