Abbey of Sant’Eutizio:  From Serenity to Earthquake Fracas

No, art is not eternal. No, Italy’s artistic patrimonies are not inviolable. The earthquake this August with beastly aftershocks in October have taught us this. But earth trembles keep underscoring the point. Enough. Basta. We’ve got it. But the losses are painful. A laceration to the soul and spirit is the October 2016 earthquake devastation…

Earthquake Solidarity for Norcia: Pasta alla Norcina?

…..and the aftershocks of the August 24, 2016 earthquake continue…..Epicenter of that shake-up: Accumuli and Amatrice in the region of Lazio. Benefit events for the earthquake homeless centered on pasta all’amatriciana. Epicenter has moved: Norcia-Preci area was bulls’ eye for the October 30th earthquake. Stronger than the August 24th quake (considered 6 – 6.2/3 on…

Umbrian Cemeteries: An Earthquake’s Travesty of R.I.P.

I’ll visit the Assisi cemetery this afternoon as I always do around la Festa dei Morti (“Feast of the Dead”, i.e., All Souls’ Day, November 2nd). In late October/early November, Italian cemeteries are transformed into a kaleidoscopic tapestry of colors as visitors lovingly arrange chrysanthemums of rust, buttery yellows, creamy whites and burnished oranges on…