Carnevale in Umbria: Struffoli, Cicerchie… and More

Week-end ballroom dancing, kaleidoscope parades of floats topped with costumed and masked ebullient children and adults – and myriads of enticing sweets – tell you Carnevale (Mardi Gras) has arrived in Italy, Week-end ballroom dancing Enjoy the photos of carri allegorici [slick-slider design=”design-2″ category=”46″ show_content=”true” dots=”false” arrows=”true” autoplay=”true” sliderheight=”580″ autoplay_interval=”5000″ speed=”1000″]   ..and what sweets!…

Assisi Carnevale: Castagnole, Brighelle, Frappe’, Zeppole, Panzerotti

The names of Assisi’s traditional Carnevale sweets are a whimsical, playful symphony to the ear: castagnole, brighelle, frappe’, zeppole, panzerotti. Savoring them is poetry to the palate. You’ll find them at the two locations of Assisi’s Pasticceria/Bar Sensi from January 17th to martedì grasso (or “Fat Tuesday,” i.e., the day before Ash Wednesday and the…