A Recipe: Cipolline in Agrodolce

What a surprise to discover that those small flat onions we call “cipolline” here in Italy, are indicated in U.S. onion guides as an Italian variety – with the same name: “cipolline onions.” Here’s a simple, easy recipe for enjoyment of these cipolline: Cipolline in agrodolce Ingredients a dozen or more cipolline a few bay…

Rural Umbria: Finding the Treasures, Savoring the Goodness

It’s my mandra: to truly KNOW Umbria, meet our rural friends who taught us everything about life on the land. And not only: about LIFE. They are Umbria’s treasures. Come and meet Peppe and then, on to Peppa’s farmhouse. They’ll proudly show you their animals, vineyards, olive groves, vegetable gardens, outdoor bread ovens, and take…

“Inside” Umbria Rural Life!!!

The key objective of my early May “Annesitaly Inside Umbria Celebration” experience is to truly take tour guests INSIDE Umbria, aiming to have them live Umbria from the inside out. And that means not just delving into the history, art, and Umbrian medieval hillttown treasures but knowing the people, experiencing their daily life. And you…

In Bevagna Where Food is Art…and Not Only

Attenzione! Bevagna, sleepy medieval town in the Umbrian valley, hoards many a hidden secret. You just have to know where to find them. Meeting artist Luigi Frappi in his studio in an elegantly-frescoed 17th-c noble palazzo is a Bevagna highlight. Our early May (2017) “Annesitaly Inside Umbria” tour group can tell you that: With pink…

How to Celebrate Umbria? Cook It Up!

In this third annual 10-day early May “Annesitaly Inside Umbria Celebration,” of course there had to be cooking and feasting. What better way to celebrate Umbria,“Italy’s green heart”? Where to cook? In our farmhouse kitchen. Who did the cooking? Kris and Sally, Jerry and Carol. What was for lunch? Have a look: * Antipasti, including wild…

Near Assisi, Umbrian Cooking on a Musical Note

No better way to launch my third annual “Annesitaly Inside Umbria Celebration” tour than with a buonissimo meal with an Umbrian family. Rural friends, Olga and Americo, welcomed us all into their home not far from Assisi. And Americo added a musical touch to the meal, playing the May songs typical of Umbria which would…

Who Wins Gubbio’s Corsa dei Ceri?

As an Umbrian newspaper put it the day after Gubbio’s May 15th la Corsa dei Ceri, the “winner” is the festival itself. La passione of the eugubini triumphs that day: it’s palpable. Feting St. Ubaldo, patron saint of Gubbio and 12th-c. bishop, la Corsa (“race”) of three saints crowning huge wooden pyramidical structures (Ceri) is…

Tickled Pink in Montefalco

When our group of six headed to Montefalco this week for a hilltown tour, we were all “tickled pink” with an unexpected surprise: pink bicycles lined the main street, many with the bike baskets dripping pink petunias. The “rosy” welcome of this medieval gem – famous for Sagrantino wine, textiles and the stunning frescoes of…